Hello Icampbell,

Sorry to hear about your tummy tuck recovery.  Some of the recovery issues that you have described is in line with what a pseudo-bursa would be like.  There is the possibility that either asymmetric muscle tightening or asymmetric fat reduction via liposuction or surgery may also be the case.  A CT scan can be helpful in terms of differentiating between the various sources of the bulge.  A detailed exam and history is often what is needed only however.

If you are ever near Scottsdale AZ or if you plan on making a trip out here I would be happy to take a look and see what is likely the case and what treatment would be most likely to give you the best result.

I hope this helps.

All the best,

Dr. Remus Repta

lcampbell has left a new comment on the post “What is a Pseudo-bursa?”:

I had tummy tuck surgery in May 2014 and my upper mid-line on the muscle repair had a funny looking bulge afterward. I had revision in March 2015 and now the bulge is much larger, hard and off centered making me look deformed. My stomach also look sunken in around my belly button. My surgeon states he doesn’t know what is going on but willing to do lipo on the area and transplant fat around my belly button to fill in the sunken in area. But he states that it is aesthetic and not covered as a revision. I’m not willing to pay him again and not confident in his ability to rectify the situation. I have been researching my issue for several years and keep coming back to your post. I believe a pseudo-bursa may be my problem but don’t know where to begin. Any advice will be appreciated.

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